Kevin Wacknov's Insights Notes

My Dantian Visualization History

Internal imagery used to focus on standing and the dantian
date image note(s)
2010-2013 focus on learning the form 201007 started reading Diepersloot
2014-01-30 feet parallel or pointing in, force more on inside

Jane said I'm putting the weight too much on the outside, macho like Marlon.

After this adjustment, knee pain went away for awhile.

2014-06-22 Reading Mark Cohen.

"Feet parallel, shoulder width for healing injuries."

After this adjustment, knee pain went away for awhile.


after first Tony CSM class, after Tony gave out Diepersloot document.


After this adjustment, knee pain went away for awhile.


align throat with rectum

clearing tension for 1 month green tea, 1 month ginger green tea.

told this to Joe 20150207 along with 4 phase process secret



"raise back, sink heel, how does the dantian feel?"

shifted this month to peppermint green tea
2015-02-04 before the night's CSM class

Tony's shoe soles are very worn to the outsides. His wuji stance is 15 deg rotated out (each foot).

Muscles soften = limit (Patter --> n) of Persistence

after second class of second Tony CSM session, after meditation

mantra "Point Field", or

"0-1, 0-2, 0-3, 0-4..."

(rollover center with mouse to expand; roll off to contract)

Dantian Properties
location coordinate system x internal movement units = how much internal response? spatial frequency (number of things you would notice in a cubic meter of space)
(relaxed, internal focus)
peaks per time interval (things you would notice in a mintue of time)
(relaxed, internal focus)
peaks per time interval (things you would notice in a minute of time)
(normal days' top-weighted awareness)
Upper rectangular 10^x, "logarithmic space" 1 1 100
Middle cylindrical F(x-1) * 1.6, "golden ratio space" 10 10 10
Lower spherical -(x-3)^2 + 5 (parabola open below), "increasing/decreasing effect space", "breathing space" 100 100 1

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